Tuesday, August 27, 2013


Picture sourced from: http://www.chicproductions.com/wp-content/gallery/blog-post-images/cinema1.jpg

Movies are a form of escapism for me. I pop into a cinema for a couple of hours and totally immerse myself in the sights, sounds, and storyline of whatever is showing. And if I fall in love with a movie, I would almost always watch it a few more times and then avail of a copy so I could always relive its magic.

Movies are also a great source of beauty inspiration. Try watching ‘Memoirs of a Geisha’, ‘Gone with the Wind’, “Lord of the Rings”, and ‘Young Adult’ to see what I mean. After all, makeup in the cinema world is critical. It helps actors and actresses convey characters more faithfully.

Picture sourced from: http://onlyhdwallpapers.com/wallpaper/geisha_ziyi_zhang_memoirs_movie_desktop_1280x1024_hd-wallpaper-142127.jpg 

Picture sourced from: http://sidewalkradio.files.wordpress.com/2013/02/gone-with-the-wind-vivien-leigh-clark-everett.jpg

Picture sourced from: http://www.fan-de-cinema.com/affiches/young-adult.html

As a movie buff and a beauty/lifestyle blogger I thought that this would be a wonderful opportunity for me to combine my two loves: movies and makeup/beauty. After all, I have been inspired time and again by the looks an actress would sport onscreen. So, it is with much excitement that I’m including this ‘series’ in my blog. I decided to call it “Reel Inspiration”. I guess the play on words is self-evident. J

So, how does this series work? Well, to begin with, I will be featuring some of my favorite films (old, slightly new, and new). In keeping with my mindfulness mantra, I’d include my personal thoughts and a critique of what I liked (and didn’t liked) about it AND a beauty/makeup look inspired by the film. As I've gotten older, I've found that my tendency is to go back to my “old reliables”.  Hopefully, this exercise would shake me from my doldrums, stretch my limits with colors, and see how new color combinations work (and don’t work).

I’m very much open to suggestions, movie and look-wise. And if anyone out there wants to share a movie, please, do so. I would be most appreciative.


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