Welcome to version 2.0 of my blog. It’s a fresh start for me
again on so many levels. There are going to be some changes, but I’ll be doing
them by phases.
It’ll still be a beauty blog. The reviews, FOTDs, etc. will
still be here. But, I’m also incorporating a lot of other things that I love, such
as movies and books. There will most probably be a new section devoted to these
two. Will it have a beauty slant? Most probably.
I also have some important personal goals that I hope to
meet with the help of this blog. I can’t share what those are yet, but here’s one
hint: waistline. (*wink, wink)
Most importantly, my blog will also have a mindfulness
focus. In the past, I bought stuff in bulk. I never stopped to think and look if I will really have the time to use
it all up (makeup) or read through all of them (books and magazines) or even use some of them (gadgets). Most of them ended up
gathering dust in various corners of my room, unused and unloved. And it’s just sad. And wasteful. Which is why
I decided to slowly let go of (some of) them.
This time around, I promised myself that I will be more
aware, or mindful, of why I buy things, of why I use things, and why I like things. It’s my way of cultivating an attitude of
gratitude for the things that I have. And this blog will be my avenue for that.
So, if you’re like me, another beauty aficionado, or a movie
buff, or a book worm, or just someone who ended up with more stuff than you
could ever possibly use up or manage, perhaps you would like to share my
journey. It’s always more fun to do and learn things when you have others to
share it with.
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